Tolerant Engagement Forums: Empirical Narratives of an Issue-Driven Researcher-Practitioner Partnership in Ethiopia

Mesele Mengsteab; David Dow; Jeremy Springman; Juan Tellez; Fitsum Hailu; & Sewareg Adamu Group Photo of Tolerant Engagement Forum Participants. Courtesy of Initiative for Peace and Development & Addis Ababa University, Our project, titled "Increasing Youth Engagement While Mitigating the Potential for Conflict in Ethiopia," was driven by youth-oriented issues. The first issue is that Ethiopia’s...

LASER PULSE Shares ERT Model @ AEA Conference

Between November 7-12, LASER PULSE sent a delegation to the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, to facilitate discussion around its Embedded Research Translation (ERT) model and application in LASER PULSE projects and learn with other attendees about innovative approaches toward evaluation.  Catholic Relief Services (CRS)’ Alexandra Towns and Laura Riddering, Indiana...

Market Analysis for Olive Farmers in the Nineveh Plain of Northern Iraq

By Carlos Rosales, Visiting Scholar, Purdue University; Ariana Torres, Associate Professor, Purdue University; Asaad Karam, University of Duhok; and Rezgar Mohammed, University of Duhok Supporting partners: University of Duhok, Purdue University, LASER PULSE

About the Project

This LASER PULSE-funded project's overarching goal is to comprehend the connections between agricultural landscapes and cultural significance, in order to...

New Resources Available to Assist in Research Translation

LASER PULSE is excited to present additional tools and learning modules to Network members that address critical areas in knowledge, understanding, and implementation of Embedded Research Translation. You can find learning modules linked in the titles with accompanying resources linked in the description. View the resources below or as part of our entire catalog of...

LASER Focused Conversation: The Importance of Research Translation in International Development

Host Christopher Rice sits down (remotely) with LASER PULSE Director Arvind Raman to discuss the LASER PULSE program and how research translation factors into international development.  Arvind Raman, Director, LASER PULSE; Executive Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Robert V. Adams Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Engineering (by Courtesy) Purdue University.  Dr. Raman has co-authored over...

Feature Your Research Translation Success Story

LASER PULSE Network Members, LASER PULSE is interested in featuring your work in research translation on its website and other channels! If you have previous experience in research translation and are interested in further showcasing your work, please complete our Featured Researcher/Practitioner form. As applicable, LASER PULSE will contact you about publishing a feature on...

Upcoming Opportunity: Grand Research Challenges for Development

In January 2021, LASER PULSE will issue a Request for Applications (RFA) entitled “Grand Research Challenges for Development” (GRCD) to fund research awards for collaboration between USAID activity (project) implementers and Higher Education Institution researchers in USAID interest countries to work on bottleneck development challenges.  Key components for this upcoming RFA are: Linkage to an ongoing...

New Online Trainings Available

LASER PULSE would like to make you aware of new online training modules available to network members. These trainings address critical issues in research translation and your participation in them could facilitate enhanced translation of research into practice in your work. You’ll find on, available trainings on: A System...

New Templates available for Research Translation

The LASER PULSE Research Translation team is excited to present templates and tools now available to Network Members. These resources are intended to directly support research translation projects by addressing critical areas in knowledge, understanding, and implementation. View the tools below or on our website to see what would be helpful to you in your research...

Why Partner to Translate Research

We in LASER PULSE, intend to change the way research influences practice. In our experience, early and active collaborations to translate research are the most effective means to ensure that crucial and innovative research can turn into real, on-the-ground outcomes in development. When we talk about research translation, we mean partnership between researchers and practitioners that...