Since its inception, LASER PULSE has awarded approximately 40 grants in USAID Partner Countries, with each award ranging from $50,000 to $5 million, depending on the complexity of the research question and duration of the proposed research. The process starts with discussions with USAID Missions, Bureaus, and Independent Offices (M/B/IOs), after which LASER PULSE often places a call for concept notes or full applications to its network of researchers and practitioners. Each entry is evaluated for quality and potential impact, and successful teams are invited to co-create with LASER PULSE and the USAID M/B/IOs. In the future, LASER PULSE expects continued opportunities for USAID M/B/IOs to provide opportunities for projects relevant to LASER PULSE Network members. View our Research page for examples on past and ongoing projects, and stay tuned for potential opportunities moving forward.
Open Now:
Call for Capacity Statements – Data Enrichment Work and AI Labor in the Global South
External Funding Opportunities
Click above link for details on these and other opportunities.

Apply Now: $500,000 for Your Humanitarian Crisis Solutions

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