Embedded Research Translation model highlighted in the LASER PULSE submission to the 2021 USAID CLA Case Competition

Each year USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planing, and Learning (PPL) holds a Collaborate, Learn, and Adapt (CLA) Case Competition. CLA is an approach to operationalize organizational learning and adaptive management throughout a program cycle. The CLA Case Competition is not a call for traditional development success stories, instead it is an opportunity for programs...

Project Explores Change in Education through a Transformative Learning Collaborative

The current LASER PULSE funded project is a second-generation investigation of implementation of this work. In collaboration with Ministry of Education, Teacher Training Colleges, and Mental Health professionals, we are testing new scalable implementation strategies to integrated the program into national teacher training curriculum, which would benefit more students, teachers, and families. In addition, because...

New Course Announcement: 21st Century Development Research Leadership for Low Income Country Higher Education Institutions

The course is in response to the growing need for LMIC Higher Education Institutions to substantially increase their involvement in national, regional and international development efforts by generating the sort of research and innovations that speak to specific needs of development practitioners, there by accelerating the effectiveness of development interventions. To do so requires institutional...

Leveraging Blockchain to Transform the African Indigenous Vegetable (AIV) Value Chain in Western Kenya

"Now, I finish my work at 10 am instead of 3pm. … I can use my time to work on other crops, to be [a] better mother and serve the community," explained a local farmer who is a participant in the USAID LASER PULSE project focused on exploring how blockchain technology could improve food...

New Resources Available to Assist in Research Translation

LASER PULSE is excited to present additional tools and learning modules to Network members that address critical areas in knowledge, understanding, and implementation of Embedded Research Translation. You can find learning modules linked in the titles with accompanying resources linked in the description. View the resources below or as part of our entire catalog of...

A Visit to Nairobi and the Sasumua River Watershed

Despite the travel related challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, Margaret Gitau (PI) and Victoria Garibay (Graduate Research Assistant) made a successful field trip to Kenya as part of the LASER PULSE East Africa Water Security (LPEAWS) Project. The primary purpose of the trip was to meet with directors of water, water resources managers,...

LASER PULSE Project Applies Embedded Research Translation Toward Air Pollution in Vietnam

A LASER PULSE Project is employing the Embedded Research Translation (ERT) model to effectively plan for scale and impact. The Avoid the TRAP is a multi-sector collaboration among health, education, and environment representations to minimize the impact of traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) on children in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. At the project kick-off...

Global Research Challenge in Development (GRCD) RFA

The  Global Research Challenge in Development (GRCD) RFA was released in January 2021, with full applications accepted in April 2021. After a competitive review process that included consensus panels, three applications were selected to move through a second phase of co-creation. The co-creation phase focused on technical style and budgetary items to meet USAID and...

The New laserpulse.org – An Overview of all the Features

We are delighted  to bring to you a new interactive, interconnected platform with a variety of features including our new online community forum exclusively for our members. The new laserpulse.org features new ways to connect with your fellow LASER PULSE members including a revamped sector search, map search, and chatbot to guide you...

LASER Focused Conversation: The Importance of Research Translation in International Development

Host Christopher Rice sits down (remotely) with LASER PULSE Director Arvind Raman to discuss the LASER PULSE program and how research translation factors into international development.  Arvind Raman, Director, LASER PULSE; Executive Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Robert V. Adams Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Engineering (by Courtesy) Purdue University.  Dr. Raman has co-authored over...