
A joint effort toward understanding and mitigating air pollution in the South/Southeast Asia region

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) from the Asian region have been increasing continuously due to rapid population growth and industrial activities. Specifically, the South and Southeast Asia (S/SEA) countries have a population of 2.36 billion, representing 30.66% of the world’s population in only 6.57% of the world’s land area. Population growth...

Working Together to Improve Air Quality for Vietnamese Children

The LASER PULSE-funded Avoid the TRAP project is conducting outreach activities to engage a variety of local and national stakeholders around improving air quality for Vietnamese children. These activities have successfully integrated environmental, health, and educational partners, which will facilitate research translation, raise awareness, and enable the utilization of research outcomes. In January 2022,...

slide from TRAP

LASER PULSE Project Applies Embedded Research Translation Toward Air Pollution in Vietnam

A LASER PULSE Project is employing the Embedded Research Translation (ERT) model to effectively plan for scale and impact. The Avoid the TRAP is a multi-sector collaboration among health, education, and environment representations to minimize the impact of traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) on children in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. At the project kick-off...