Group Photo with TEF Participants

Tolerant Engagement Forums: Empirical Narratives of an Issue-Driven Researcher-Practitioner Partnership in Ethiopia

Mesele Mengsteab; David Dow; Jeremy Springman; Juan Tellez; Fitsum Hailu; & Sewareg Adamu Group Photo of Tolerant Engagement Forum Participants. Courtesy of Initiative for Peace and Development & Addis Ababa University, Our project, titled "Increasing Youth Engagement While Mitigating the Potential for Conflict in Ethiopia," was driven by youth-oriented issues. The first issue is that Ethiopia’s youth...

Gulu Dance

The Voices of the Indigenous People of Uganda

Uganda language policy requires rural schools to choose a dominant local language to use as the language of learning and teaching for the first three years of primary school, while English is taught as a subject. The Tepeth and Ik people face the worst case scenario with only a few elders still able to speak...

Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash

LASER PULSE Launches Youth and Resilience Awards in Ethiopia

LASER PULSE has launched four projects to respond to critical development challenges in Ethiopia. In response to a November 2020 RFA to address areas of (1) Youth and (2) Resilience, four applications were funded in August for periods of 1-2 years. Read more about projects through individual links below or at Resilience A systems, networks, and...

KALRO workshop

Updates from the Field — Building Sustainable Resilient Supply Chains: A Model of Youth Input Resellers in Kenya

Led by Purdue University and the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) the Building Sustainable Resilient Supply Chains: A Model of Youth Input Resellers in Kenya project aims to identify and train motivated rural youth in Eastern Kenyan counties to become resellers of agricultural inputs working in collaboration with local agro-dealers. The goal is...