USAID LASER PULSE Research for Development Learning Summit

The LASER PULSE consortium members (Purdue University, Indiana University, University of Notre Dame, Catholic Relief Services and Makerere University-ResilientAfrica Network) convened in Washington DC, for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) LASER PULSE Research for Development Learning Summit, Tuesday May, 2nd, 2023. The consortium members were joined by USAID...

LASER PULSE Conducts University Research Engagement and Capacity Strengthening Workshop in Kampala, Uganda

On April 12-13, LASER PULSE convened university leaders and researchers from around sub-Saharan Africa in Kampala, Uganda, to continue their efforts towards strengthening capacity in research leadership and project management at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The workshop was attended by 11 sub-Saharan African countries, including DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan,...

Workshop participants gathering for a photo in Addis Ababa

LASER PULSE Conducts Research for Development Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

LASER PULSE convened its third Research for Development Workshop on Sept. 20-21 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with a call to action to continue efforts toward researcher-practitioner collaboration in development research. Using its four existing projects in the region as a basis for effectiveness in research for development, LASER PULSE urged attendees to utilize its collaborative...

Updates on R4D Workshops in Vietnam and Ethiopia

Earlier this year, the COVID-19 crisis caused the postponement of LASER R4D Workshops in Hanoi, Vietnam and in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Indiana University, the lead consortium partner for these events, has been working closely with the LASER team, regional partners, and USAID to re-envision and reschedule these important gatherings. Planning efforts will maintain a careful...

Learning about barriers and opportunities to practitioner-researcher collaborations in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi (Vietnam)

Image- Hanoi, Vietnam: Air Pollution is one of the topic areas of the Vietnam R4D Conference. Alexandra Towns (CRS)  The LASER PULSE consortium met with researchers and practitioners in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in December to discuss their experiences with research collaborations and research translation. Discussions focused on the topical areas of air and...

Research for Development (R4D) Conferences: What are they and why are they important?

LASER PULSE wants to see researchers working on development problems. For example, we want to figure out how to provide jobs for young people in places around the world where youth unemployment is high. We want to make sure these young people don’t feel that they have to resort to violence because they have no...

Announcing the Research for Development (R4D) Conference in Vietnam

Between Feb. 18-20, Indiana University and the LASER PULSE Consortium will convene its third R4D Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, covering (1) Air & Water Pollution and (2) Private Sector and SME Competitiveness. This conference will help participants identify gaps in and understand best practices from academics and practitioners in translating research into development outcomes. Conference outcomes...