LASER PULSE Conducts University Research Engagement and Capacity Strengthening Workshop in Kampala, Uganda

On April 12-13, LASER PULSE convened university leaders and researchers from around sub-Saharan Africa in Kampala, Uganda, to continue their efforts towards strengthening capacity in research leadership and project management at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The workshop was attended by 11 sub-Saharan African countries, including DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan,...

Uganda Project

LASER PULSE Uganda Project Catalyzing Change in Social Emotional Learning Through Remote Train-the-Trainer Model

A new LASER PULSE project to develop and test an early childhood evidence-based intervention for social emotional learning in Uganda has begun to implement a train-the-trainer scale-up model. Due to travel constrictions, the team conducted trainings via teleconference with Nakaseke Primary Teachers College (PTC) trainers. While this approach allowed the project to complete critical training...