Tolerant Engagement Forums: Empirical Narratives of an Issue-Driven Researcher-Practitioner Partnership in Ethiopia

Mesele Mengsteab; David Dow; Jeremy Springman; Juan Tellez; Fitsum Hailu; & Sewareg Adamu Group Photo of Tolerant Engagement Forum Participants. Courtesy of Initiative for Peace and Development & Addis Ababa University, Our project, titled "Increasing Youth Engagement While Mitigating the Potential for Conflict in Ethiopia," was driven by youth-oriented issues. The first issue is that Ethiopia’s...

LASER PULSE Conducts Research for Development Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

LASER PULSE convened its third Research for Development Workshop on Sept. 20-21 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with a call to action to continue efforts toward researcher-practitioner collaboration in development research. Using its four existing projects in the region as a basis for effectiveness in research for development, LASER PULSE urged attendees to utilize its collaborative...

Secondary Data Management & Organization

Imagine, you’ve just come out of a fantastic meeting with your research collaborators. The kind where ideas are bottomless, connections are being made lightning quick, and everybody has said, at least a few times, “oh! I’ve got a source for that!” As the hours tick away after the meeting ends you notice that the shared...

LASER PULSE Launches Youth and Resilience Awards in Ethiopia

LASER PULSE has launched four projects to respond to critical development challenges in Ethiopia. In response to a November 2020 RFA to address areas of (1) Youth and (2) Resilience, four applications were funded in August for periods of 1-2 years. Read more about projects through individual links below or at



Colombia, Vietnam and Ethiopia Awards Update

Colombia The Colombia RFA was announced February 7, 2020 in the sector areas of: YouthVenezuela migration responseIntegrated Rural Development The Colombia award process is continuing to refine selected proposals, review budget requests and obtain necessary documentation  with regard to IRB, Assessment of Environmental Consequences and Mission concurrence. One of the awards have been fully executed, with an additional...

Ethiopian Practitioner KIIs

The LASER PULSE consortium conducted key informant interviews with eight Ethiopian practitioners virtually in June and July 2020. Representatives from Catholic Relief Services and The University of Notre Dame were unable to visit Ethiopia due to the pandemic, and instead conducted the interviews via videoconference. The individuals interviewed represented four INGOs, two government institutions, and...

Updates on R4D Workshops in Vietnam and Ethiopia

Earlier this year, the COVID-19 crisis caused the postponement of LASER R4D Workshops in Hanoi, Vietnam and in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Indiana University, the lead consortium partner for these events, has been working closely with the LASER team, regional partners, and USAID to re-envision and reschedule these important gatherings. Planning efforts will maintain a careful...