A Warm Welcome to the New Program Director for LASER PULSE

We are delighted to inform you that Pallavi Gupta has joined us as Program Director for LASER PULSE as of April 1, 2021. Born and brought up in Uttar Pradesh India, Pallavi comes to LASER PULSE with more than 14 years of experience having worked across engineering, management consulting, social entrepreneurship and international development fields with...

POKET – An out of the box tool for researchers to deploy their own crowdsourcing engagements

POKET is an out of the box tool for researchers to deploy their own crowdsourcing engagements. The focus is on projects that can benefit from self-reported data, high-frequency data capture, citizen-generated data, participatory mapping or community-driven insights. POKET retrofits their suite of mobile and desktop tools so researchers can generate location-specific insights...

Stakeholder Analysis at LASER PULSE

A key component of LASER PULSE’s Embedded Research Translation model is the collaboration of researchers and practitioners in development research projects. LASER PULSE defines Embedded Research Translation as an iterative codesign process among academics, practitioners and other stakeholders in which research is intentionally applied to a development challenge. Core to this approach to translation are...

LASER PULSE East Africa Award Undertakes Co-design Approach Toward Partnership

In the Exploring Blockchain Technology to Improve Food Security Through African Indigenous Vegetables project in Western Kenya, we have prioritized a co-design process between the research  and research translation partners from the proposal development stage. Egerton University (research), Virginia Tech (research), and AgUnity (research translation) each bring their own, yet complementary, expertise to the project....

LASER PULSE Uganda Project Catalyzing Change in Social Emotional Learning Through Remote Train-the-Trainer Model

A new LASER PULSE project to develop and test an early childhood evidence-based intervention for social emotional learning in Uganda has begun to implement a train-the-trainer scale-up model. Due to travel constrictions, the team conducted trainings via teleconference with Nakaseke Primary Teachers College (PTC) trainers. While this approach allowed the project to complete critical training...

Colombia, Vietnam and Ethiopia Awards Update

Colombia The Colombia RFA was announced February 7, 2020 in the sector areas of: YouthVenezuela migration responseIntegrated Rural Development The Colombia award process is continuing to refine selected proposals, review budget requests and obtain necessary documentation  with regard to IRB, Assessment of Environmental Consequences and Mission concurrence. One of the awards have been fully executed, with an additional...