Meet Our Team


Research Translation Advisor

Dr. Laura Riddering is the Research Translation Advisor with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), focusing on the design, development, and implementation of tools and platforms to increase collaboration between practitioners and researchers. Dr. Riddering completed a Ph.D. in Geography & Environmental Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and a M.A. in International Development & Social Change from Clark University. In graduate school she conducted qualitative research with artisans and coffee farmers in cooperation with nonprofits in Guatemala to examine how actors in civil society work together transnationally to improve livelihoods. Previous to graduate school, Laura worked with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Switzerland and Peace Corps in Guatemala.


Research Translation Communication Lead

Chris Rice is the Research Translation Communication Lead within the LASER PULSE Consortium and Indiana University Center for Global health. He works to ensure project-funded research is effectively translated into the field, specifically focusing on communications-related strategies and deliverables. This includes developing capacity building tools and trainings and actively working with researchers, practitioners, and implementers to translate research into policy or practice in a variety of sectors around the world.

Chris has various experiences in international programming including education, human rights, entrepreneurship, monitoring and evaluation, and communications. He has worked in non-profit and university settings to implement U.S. government grants. Prior to joining LASER PULSE, Chris managed international programs at IU Kelley School of Business, overseeing international education and entrepreneurship capacity building projects in the Middle East and North Africa.

Chris graduated from the #1-ranked IU School of Public & Environmental Affairs and holds Master’s degrees in international development and communications.


Knowledge Mgt. & Performance Monitoring Specialist

Dr. Rossi is an Agricultural and Natural Resource Economist with experience spanning international development (in Asia and Africa) and academia with regard to research, project management, and monitoring and evaluation. He has expertise in compiling and analyzing quantitative and qualitative primary and secondary data and information, particularly survey data with thousands of observations and hundreds of variables; and experience with the strategic development of monitoring and evaluation results frameworks, performance monitoring plans, and supporting surveys for a USAID Feed the Future project. He leads the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning team for LASER PULSE. He holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of Florida and Colorado State University, respectively, and a B.Sc. in Geology from Michigan State University.