Join LASER PULSE at the USAID Higher Education Global Evidence Summit in May 2022!

USAID Higher Education Global Evidence Summit

Join LASER PULSE at the USAID Higher Education Global Evidence Summit in May 2022!

A delegation from the LASER PULSE consortium will be presenting Embedded Research Translation: An Innovative Model for Collaborative Research Impact at the USAID Higher Education Global Evidence Summit. This interactive presentation will be on May 3rd at 9:35am ET. In our session, we will (1) share findings of a rapid literature review on different research translation approaches (2) situate LASER PULSE’s Embedded Research Translation (ERT) model in the findings as an innovative new model for collaborative research impact in international development, and (3) conduct an interactive panel discussion to hear from researchers and practitioners in LASER PULSE projects who have applied the ERT model. A full description of the presentation can be found online at


  • Priyanka Brunese, Research Scientist, Purdue University, LASER PULSE
  • Juan Posada-Burbano, Project Manager, LASER PULSE project Support to Traditional Cultural Practices in Northern Iraq
  • Laura Riddering, LASER PULSE Research Translation Advisor, Catholic Relief Services, LASER PULSE
  • Alexandra Towns, LASER PULSE Research Translation Strategy Lead, Catholic Relief Services, LASER PULSE
  • Yuehwern Yih, Academic Director of LASER PULSE and Professor, Purdue University, LASER PULSE

The full agenda for the three-week Summit is posted online at Presentations align with the three themes of the Summit: Innovation, Employability, and Private Sector Engagement. In addition to presentations and lightning talks from diverse presenters, there will be keynote sessions from USAID Administrator Samantha Power, USAID Chief Scientist Ticora V. Jones, and other leaders in Higher Education and global development. The Summit will offer a unique opportunity to hear about emerging research, new data, trends, and promising practices in higher education as they relate to social and economic development.

Register to attend! 

More information about LASER PULSE involvement for this event can be found here.

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