USAID/El Salvador and OCE Impact Evaluation Design for the Educational Innovation Project in El Salvador
Call for Capacity Statement
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) El Salvador Mission, USAID’s Office of the Chief Economist (OCE), and Long-term Assistance and SErvices for Research, Partners for University-Led Solutions Engine (LASER PULSE) at the Purdue Applied Research Institute, Global Development Innovation Division (PARI-GDI) seek Capacity Statements (CS) from teams of researchers to design and conduct a randomized impact evaluation of the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) in El Salvador.
El Salvador’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MINEDUCyT) is rolling out its New Pedagogical Model, part of the national educational reform called “My New School.” MINEDUCyT has identified 1,143 pilot schools to prioritize for the New Pedagogical Model. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, MINEDUCyT undertook a strategic rethinking with accelerated changes in certain areas of the educational system, assimilating the lessons learned from the pandemic to strengthen strategic planning. As a result of this, MINEDUCyT created a new pedagogical model that moved from an approach focused on information and teaching to one focused on the development and learning of the child, and it is based on seven steps: from subjects to areas of development and learning; from class schedules to development and learning routines; from classes to learning experiences; from methodologies focused on information to playful and participatory methodologies; from unidirectional organization to multidirectional environments and interactions; from an evaluation associated with grading to an evaluation for learning; and from limited, closed, and rigid educational materials to multiple resources and pedagogical tools of an open and autonomous nature.
USAID/El Salvador’s Educational Innovation Project (EIP), implemented by FHI 360 and a consortium of specialist organizations, supports MINEDUCyT in implementing the New Pedagogical Model in the classroom. One of EIP’s primary goals is to improve the quality of primary education by enhancing teachers’ pedagogical and classroom management skills in language and mathematics classes. To this end, the project helps teachers integrate innovative strategies in language and mathematics teaching, such as social-emotional learning (SEL), universal design for learning (UDL), educational reinforcement or Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL), and multimodal strategies/information and communication technologies (ICT).
USAID/El Salvador, in collaboration with FHI 360 and MINEDUCyT, plans to conduct a randomized impact evaluation of EIP, focused on the integrated teacher training model. The purpose of the teacher training model is to create continuous professional development that is holistic, systematic, pertinent, and meaningful, as presented by the National Directorate of Teacher Training. Evidence from this impact evaluation will inform MINEDUCyT’s plans to expand the model to new schools and grades and will identify ways to improve continuous teacher professional development.
Between 2022 and 2027, EIP will work in 300 public schools, conducting an integrated process of teacher training, educational accompaniment and teacher learning communities, strengthening the practices of more than 2,050 teachers to reach 80,000 students.
In 2024, EIP is working with the first cohort of 150 schools, refining its approach and learning lessons to integrate into the implementation of training in the second cohort. Cohort 2, which will be included in this randomized impact evaluation, will begin in the 2025 school year and will involve another 150 treatment schools. The schools targeted for the Cohort 2 evaluation (both treatment and control schools) will be randomly selected from the approximately 950 remaining MINEDUCyT pilot schools. The second cohort of teachers will receive classroom training days starting in January 2025 and continuing professional development through in-service training.
USAID/El Salvador and OCE Impact Evaluation Design for the Educational Innovation Project in El Salvador
To design and conduct a randomized impact evaluation of the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) in El Salvador.
In El Salvador.
Team of researchers with experience conducting rigorous empirical research, including impact evaluations utilizing randomization, in education and related sectors in El Salvador and/or Latin America.
- Call for Capacity Statement release: September 3, 2024.
- Application deadline: September 24, 2024 at 5:00 pm EDT.
Timeline & Information
- Release of Call for Capacity Statement: September 3, 2024
- Application deadline: September 24, 2024 at 5:00 pm EDT.
- Announcement of selected team: Tentatively Early October, 2024.
- Estimated funding and timeline: USAID estimates that the evaluation design period will require approximately 40-50 person days between early October and late November 2024, and estimates that these activities will require approximately $40,000 to complete.
Successful Application Characteristics
Applicants are expected to include at least one Principal investigator (PI), with a preference for the involvement of a team. Collectively, the Research Leadership Team must have the following qualifications:
- Ph.D. in education, political science, economics, or related field
- Experience conducting rigorous empirical research, including impact evaluations utilizing randomization, in education and related sectors
- Articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals, including at least one presenting results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT)
- Experience conducting research that requires primary data collection in El Salvador and/or Latin America
- Demonstrated ability to work and coordinate closely with the implementing partner, USAID, and local stakeholders to find a workable design that meets both the needs of the evaluation and matches the operating environment and implementation realities
- Professional fluency in Spanish and English
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