People’s Republic of China Standardization Collaboration with Developing Countries

Illustration of USA and China flags

USAID Call for Proposals for Research on the People’s Republic of China Standardization Collaboration with Developing Countries

Call for Proposals:

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Long-term Assistance and SErvices for Research, Partners for University-Led Solutions Engine (LASER PULSE) at the Purdue Applied Research Institute, Global Development Innovation Division (PARI-GDI) seek proposals from multidisciplinary teams of researchers and professionals to conduct a rigorous review, in-depth research, and resultant recommendations regarding the People’s Republic of China’s collaboration with developing countries in standards development and the adoption of critical and emerging technologies.


In May 2023, the White House launched the U.S. Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology (NSSCET). The NSSCET sets objectives that the U.S. Government should pursue to ensure the country remains competitive in critical and emerging technologies (CETs). The NSSCET also recognizes that the United States faces challenges to its global leadership on international standardization and raises concerns that strategic competitors may compromise the core principles of the international standardization system by seeking to influence international standards development to advance their objectives.

The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) efforts in setting CETs appear to be aimed at either advancing their domestic industries’ competitive advantage, pursuing economic, diplomatic, or military objectives through market access, and spreading their strategic influence by establishing a type of predominance over the international standardization ecosystem. Concerns then arise regarding the monopolization of benefits and the stifling of innovation when these standards frameworks are adopted. Under U.S. policy and practice, technical standards are developed by consensus with the participation of the private sector and academia, with U.S. government officials largely observing. This approach allows all stakeholders to participate in developing and critiquing proposed technical standards.

The research conducted under this call for proposals aims to understand the PRC’s approaches, strategies, and collaboration patterns to influence the USAID/USG-partner countries to advance its objectives under the Standards 2035 Plan for the CET standards development and adoption. The findings will help inform US policymakers, industry leaders, and USAID on addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the PRC’s advancements with USAID/USG-partner countries.



People’s Republic of China Standardization Collaboration with Developing Countries Call for Proposals


To understand the PRC’s approaches, strategies, and collaboration patterns to influence USAID/USG-partner countries to advance its objectives under the Standards 2035 Plan for the CET standards development and adoption. The findings will help inform US policymakers, industry leaders, and USAID on addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the PRC’s advancements with USAID/USG-partner countries.
The PRC and at least two USAID partner countries.


Teams based at higher education institutions and other research institutions, including researchers and practitioners across the social sciences, Chinese studies, economics, and related fields.


Application deadline: February 7, 2025 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.


The research should be conducted using both primary and secondary data collection methods, including interviews with key stakeholders in China and at least two USAID/USG-partner countries that have benefited from the PRC’s cooperation on standards. The study should also include case studies analyzing specific examples of Chinese cooperation resulting in domestic adoption of Chinese standards and how/whether that has influenced the countries’ international standardization activities.

Timeline & Information

  • Call release date: December 17, 2024.
  • Questions can be submitted to with the Subject Line: “People’s Republic of China Standardization ” by January 15, 2025, at 5:00 pm EDT. Answers will be posted to the LASER Pulse website by January 22, 2025.
  • Application deadline: February 7, 2025, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time. Applications should be submitted through this Qualtrics link.
  • Announcement of the selected team: Tentatively the end of February 2025.
  • Estimated funding and timeline: USAID estimates that the research team’s engagement should last 12 months after the Program Description/Scope of Work agreement is signed, and the team’s budget should not exceed $294,000.