Armed Conflict and Violence Prevention Learning Agenda
LASER, along with USAID’s Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization/Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention (CPS/CVP), and the USAID Global Development Lab Center for Development Research (LAB/CDR), requests Expressions of Interest and Capacity Statements (EOIC) to create and implement an Armed Conflict and Violence Prevention Learning Agenda. The expected period of performance is 2-3 years, contingent on the availability of funding.
LASER and USAID will use the received EOIC to form a multi-sectoral team of subject matter experts (SMEs) – to be called the Learning Agenda Implementation Team (LAIT) – comprising selected individual researchers and practitioners (through awards to their respective institutions) to produce and implement a learning agenda that, 1) establishes the evidence base for effective approaches to armed conflict and violence prevention, 2) identifies opportunities for the investments that would produce new knowledge to fill gaps in the existing literature, and 3) provides USAID with tools, resources, and/or policy and programmatic guidance to incorporate learning agenda findings into their work. The LAIT team will conduct original research into armed conflict and violence prevention and create a learning agenda from the results of the research.
Full details of the request are available here: