Effective Research Project Management for Low-Income Country Higher Education Institutions

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Effective Research Project Management for Low-Income Country Higher Education Institutions

8 Weeks
All levels
40 lessons
0 quizzes
76 students

Designed and Delivered By:

RAN Logo

ResilientAfrica Network

Makerere University Logo

Makerere University School of Public Health

With support from:

Purdue University

Purdue University

On behalf of:


This Research Project Management Course is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of contract no. 7200AA18CA00009, that supports Long-Term Assistance and Services for Research (LASER). The course was produced by the ResilientAfrica Network at Makerere University under the LASER contract. The contents of the course are the sole responsibility of LASER and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

This is an online short course that provides a guided exploration of the issues as participants learn semi-independently. You will be undertaking this course together with a cohort of your peers, the profiles of which have been shared. We are happy to have you on the course and we are highly hopeful that it is a worthwhile learning experience.

Why this course?

The course is in response to the growing need for LMIC Higher Education Institutions to substantially increase their involvement in quality research that informs development. Researchers in Higher Education Institutions need skills in research project management among researchers/research groups to enable them to solicit for research funding using best practices in research proposal writing, and to manage these projects and deliver the intended research outputs using sound management principles. This will enable researchers to produce high quality research deliverables from their project and to increase accountability for research projects. 

The general aim of this course is to increase the management capacity for research and innovations in low- and middle-income Higher Education Institutions, with a view to increasing their capacity to attract funding, and to manage projects in a way that enhanced result and accountability. Once again, you are very welcome to this course!

Comments (7)

  • Dr. Lucy A. Wakiaga

    As a researcher and director of quality assurance in my university, I look forward to strengthening my capacity in research project management.

    March 27, 2023 at 9:16 pm
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    Aminieli Itaeli Usiri

    As a researcher and project coordinator, I am excited to have the opportunity to enhance my management capacity for research and innovation in my institution. The course’s goal to increase our capacity to attract funding and manage projects effectively is crucial in today’s rapidly changing landscape

    March 28, 2023 at 4:52 pm
  • Mmampedi Huma

    Looking forward to strengthening my research capacity

    March 29, 2023 at 2:45 am
  • Pambas Basil

    Good introduction to the course

    March 31, 2023 at 12:50 pm
    • Hailu Merga

      As an academician, researcher and research project coordinator, I`m excited to have the opportunity. Hoping to learn a lot!

      April 1, 2023 at 2:37 am
  • Ojwang Otieno

    Very informative and useful course for efficient project management.

    April 27, 2023 at 12:44 pm

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